Is PRP Right for Me?

Is PRP Right for Me?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an innovative treatment that helps speed up and enhance recovery following many types of injuries. Made from your own blood, PRP taps into your body’s natural healing cascade to help you feel better faster, without medication or surgery.

Joshua D. Harris, MD, is skilled in PRP treatment and other innovative therapies that help patients at his Houston, Texas, practice enjoy better health, better recovery, and better outcomes. If you have an orthopedic injury, here’s what he wants you to know about PRP.

PRP: The science behind the therapy

As the name implies, platelet-rich plasma is composed of platelets and plasma in a concentrated form. Plasma is the liquid part of your blood, while platelets are blood components that play a significant role in healing.

Each platelet contains tiny proteins called growth factors that help your blood clot and work to trigger other crucial processes necessary for optimal healing. These growth factors promote the development of new blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues, and they also support development of new, healthy cells to replace damaged tissues.

PRP is made from a sample of your blood processed to remove the other parts of your blood, leaving just the platelets and liquid plasma. Then that concentration is injected directly into the injury site to “jumpstart” the healing process).

What PRP treats

PRP is used to treat an array of injuries affecting the soft tissues, connective tissues, and joints, including:

While anyone can potentially benefit from PRP therapy, it’s widely used among athletes to help them heal following injuries related to competition, practice, and warm-up.

Who shouldn’t have PRP therapy

One of the biggest benefits of PRP is that it’s made from your own blood. That means you don’t have to worry about allergic reactions or sensitivities that can prevent you from having treatment. 

You also don’t need to worry about the long-term use of medications that could cause an upset stomach or other symptoms. Plus, PRP is injected, which means it can be a good treatment option even for patients who don’t want to have (or can’t have) surgery. 

Of course, although PRP is generally safe, it’s not always the best choice for every patient. In general, PRP might not be suitable for you if you:

Dr. Harris performs a thorough review of your health and medical history before recommending PRP. 

Find out if PRP is right for you

PRP offers plenty of benefits for many people, but the only real way to know if it could benefit you is to schedule an office visit. To learn more, call 713-441-8393 or book an appointment online with Dr. Joshua Harris today.

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